Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IPv6 picking up steam, and it's apparently done right

I've been touring the net for the past week to check out what the current state of affairs is with IPv6 implementations and deployments to the end users, and what i found is very encouraging, at least for now: namely, all the major ISPs i've checked on the net (, Telefonica, Deutsche Telecom, Swisscom, Comcast, AT&T, TWC, DoCoMo, and even my home country's RCS-RDS network) seem to provide end users with at least a proper, P2P-friendly /64 address block (instead of one single /128 address, and then leave the users to cope with it by using all sorts of non-standardized NAT66 boxes).

Since the two main reasons for putting this project on hold one year ago were the unknowns related to IPv6 deployment and the uncertainties plaguing the future of Qt, and since significant progress is apparently being made in the right direction on both of these issues, at this point in time i can see at least some reasons for renewed hope on this project's future.

Some of the IPv6 deployment links i've checked:
...and some live stats by ISPs here:
So what i'll probably do next is write a small IPv6 tester application to effectively check the IPv6 deployments as they are in the real world; once i'll do this i'll post the results.

I haven't been able to find any reliable stats on 3G/4G mobile IPv6 deployment trends just yet, but i'll keep looking. And the same holds for mobile CGN-based IPv4 connections: this also needs some further investigation.

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